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Nambasa Shamim Guild Aspirant MUK



In the pre-covid Uganda, the economy had 05% average annual growth rate. The pandemic struck the economy really hard and a report is yet to be released asserting the growth rate in these covid times.

But even when times were good, one cannot explain the 15% annual tuition increase with an economic growth of 5%.
A student paid 1,344,000shs for a bachelor’s of veterinary medicine in 2017, or 2,100,000shs for biomedical sciences or 672,000shs for A bachelor’s in education, or 1,200,000shs for Journalism. 1,776, 840shs, 2,777,250shs, 888,720shs and 1,587,000shs respectively is paid for a new entrant for the same programs in 2019.
Funny again is when this government paints the elephant white with their “securing your future slogan.”

Halting this policy is not enough, it’s evil and complete termination is what we demand. We are tired of watching friends dropping out due to failed fees completion, or resorting to ungodly means to raise the fees.

Worse more is the complete lack of accountability for this money.
It’s a clear money heist at the hill of intellectualism and enough is enough.
I say the policy must stop as soon as yesterday.




Nabunje Shanitah Crowned Miss Success Schools



Success International Primary School organized the 2023 Miss Success Schools grand finale at their headquarters in Makindye Ssabbagabo municipality Kanaba yesterday 4th June, 2023.

Nabunje Shanitah aged 11 years currently in Primary Six (P.6) emerged as the overall winner of these competitions and became the very first ever winner of Miss Success Schools. She also received a prize worth UGX100,000 that was awarded by the Schools director Mr. Said Ssemakula.

Nabunje Shanitah (middle) receiving her prize at the Miss Success Schools 2023

Miss Success Schools

The competitions are an initiative of Uganda’s Mini Miss Confidence 2022, Queen Shainah Zikrah Siddiqi who was tasked by Little Miss Uganda to run a project in short this was her Project Launch.

Official Poster of Queen Shainah’s Project Launch 2023

The competitions ran both online and offline as different contestants from Number One (No.1) to Number Twelve (No.12) all showcased their Talents, Modeling Skills, Creative Wear, Confidence in Speech & Presentation, Understanding of their causes they’re standing for as well as ability to win their audience.

Nabunje scored highly in Creative Wear, Talent as she was the only queen who possessed the unique talent in construction or building. Her skills in construction are unmatched and little did the audience, judges knew a girl of her age could really do construction, this is a wakeup call to all girls and women out there that there’s no limitations to what you could actually do.
ViDeo: Shanitah Building

Shanitah would love to advocate for quality and affordable education for all children, she believes that if Educational fees (Tuition) are lowered to an average of UGX100,000 could give an opportunity to all parents to facilitate their kids education. She called upon everyone to join her on this cause of national importance and we all don’t give it a blind eye.

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Keanu Reeves, all that happened to him and still a good person



Keanu Reeves is a Canadian actor who has appeared in films, television series and video games. He made his film debut in the short One Step Away in 1985. The following year, Reeves appeared in the crime film River’s Edge, and the television films Babes in Toyland, Act of Vengeance, and Brotherhood of Justice.

Mysterious Journey

He was abandoned by his father at 3 years old and grew up with 3 different stepfathers. He is dyslexic. His dream of becoming a hockey player was shattered by a serious accident. His daughter died at birth. His wife died in a car accident.

His best friend, River Phoenix, died of an overdose. His sister has leukemia.

And with everything that has happened, Keanu Reeves never misses an opportunity to help people in need.

When he was filming the movie “The Lake House,” he overheard the conversation of two costume assistants; One cried because he would lose his house if he did not pay $ 20,000 and on the same day Keanu deposited the necessary amount in the woman’s bank account;

He also donated stratospheric sums to hospitals.

In 2010, on his birthday, Keanu walked into a bakery and bought a brioche with a single candle, ate it in front of the bakery, and offered coffee to people who stopped to talk to him.

After winning astronomical sums for the Matrix trilogy, the actor donated more than $ 50 million to the staff who handled the costumes and special effects – the true heroes of the trilogy, as he called them.

He also gave a Harley-Davidson to each of the stunt doubles. A total expense of several million dollars. And for many successful films, he has even given up 90% of his salary to allow the production to hire other stars.

In 1997 some paparazzi found him walking one morning in the company of a homeless man in Los Angeles, listening to him and sharing his life for a few hours.

Most stars when they make a charitable gesture they declare it to all the media. He has never claimed to be doing charity, he simply does it as a matter of moral principles and not to look better in the eyes of others.

This man could buy everything, and instead every day he gets up and chooses one thing that cannot be bought: Be a good person.

Joke Made About Him in 2019

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Opinion: Living a Testimony of Hard work (Food of Thought to a Young Generation)



Corporate Communications Students from Makerere University on the practical visit at UMEME Offices at Rwenzori House Kampala

Many young people who have graduated or seized qualifications from different institutions of learning, find arduous moments in getting better paying jobs.

The biggest challenge is not the courses they do or complicated job market environment they encounter, but sometimes it is the too many unworked for expectations from the qualifications they get. Many opinion leaders, politicians and interest groups have alluded the unemployment blames on the education system and may be the government. But the first factor is engulfed within the persona-character of an anticipated employee.

In the study to unearth what has caused the biggest scale of unemployed youth on the streets of Kampala and other locations countrywide, the officer and the Head of Communications Umeme Limited, Mr. Kaujju Peter packages this “Food of thought for the young generation”. This is drawn from him as a living testimony of hard work and networking.

Mr. Kaujju started working while in his second year pursuing a bachelor degree in Mass Communication at Makerere University. All this happened after his outstretched struggle to secure an internship placement finally yielded affirmative results from New Vision Uganda in 2005. After the successful internship exercise, Peter’s hard work and network building skills accelerated to secure him a job at New Vision’s Newsroom.

The feel of practical Journalism and Communications passions have been compounded with ingredients of hard work and network built capacities to grant him a milestone of opportunities placed on his table.

This lively example comes with a strong right hand to pick out all the young people who still see darkness in front of a lit lamp. Mr. Kaujju on several occasions meets the young people, his words have always left strong built up hearts with positive mindsets and self-efficacy towards work. He says, ” Whenever I meet the young people, I tell them that you are as good as your networks. So your networks are actually your net worth.” Peter adds that youth need to work hard and utilize the opportunities whenever they meet them.

It is agreeable and with no doubt that the internet drives have kept many youths so idle and extremely isolated from their productive cycles and families. This is a one-step blockage of opportunities in one’s life. Internet, besides being a source of income to some youth, it is producing a big population of lazy people, depressed generations, and weak minded fellows. These breeds of unemployment are likely to yield more hindrances towards Uganda’s vision to drive into a “middle income status”

But to venture in solutions, Mr. Kaujju Peter gives the recommendable remedies. ” It is important that we don’t live in closed shells, especially to the young people. You need to open up. You need to build networks that give you value,” he says.

Some people still find it hard to break the viscous cycles of poverty by just failure to value time as a resource for wealth, growth and development. Institutions teach knowledge but time is taught by the behavior at intra-personal level.

Benjamin Franklin in his essay, ” Advice to a Young Tradesman,” informs the world that, ” Time Is Money” and George Fisher, in his 1748 Book, advances this statement as a reminder that, ” Remember Time Is Money”. These scholars saw the wave of idleness blowing toward the next generations, especially among the youth, and they dressed the parenthood coats to advice youth respect time the way they respect money. The connotative description is meant to convey a monetary expense of laziness.

Mr., Kaujju, as well warns youth that time is a resource once wasted, is never gained. “The other important value is respect for time. It is that particular resource that will never come back. Every minute that has gone will never be recovered,” he says.

We may look for opportunities in distant errands, but let’s first work on ourselves to be brands and co-creators of our networks. Then ways to our destinies will be paved.

Written and Compiled by
Mudecha Aramathani,
A Corporate Communications Scholar,
And Fourth Year Student,
At Makerere University.

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