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MPs Question the Criteria of IGP Appointment

Police Act Amendments Plan.



Members of the Parliament of the Republic of Uganda question the criteria the president uses to appoint the Inspector General of Police (IGP) and the Deputy Inspector General of Police (DIGP).

In their argument, the Legislators indicate that the Police Act, 2006 has gaps mostly in the criteria the state authority uses to appoint the IGP and the DIGP. The MPs suggest to include clauses (a) and (b) of Section 5 of the Principle Act, in which they state that the person suitable for IGP position, in addition to being an A’level Certificate holder, should have served as a Commissioner or any above position in police. This comes to put to an end the criteria where any person who has served in the Uganda People’s Defense Forces (UPDF) is given a role to serve in police as an Inspector General of Police or their Deputy.

In the Parliamentary sitting on Friday, July 29th, 2022, the Legislator of Jonam County, Hon. Emmanuel Ongiertho vetted that the public can’t be in good terms with the police headed by an army veteran or general as the IGP. “People just don’t want to see an appointment of IGP and a Deputy IGP coming from the army. They should come from the police,” says Hon. Emmanuel. MPs argue that there should be respect for protocols in security maintenance and peace keeping between army and police and not the army overshadowing the role of the police at the top Leadership.

In the recent years, President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni’s leadership has had two ascending Army Generals appointed as IGP including three deputies. These range from Gen. Edward Katumba Wamala between 2001 and 2005, and Gen. kale Kayihura from 2005 to 2018 who served as IGP with no border line of term limit. The Army Generals who have served as Deputy Inspector General of Police include the Late, Lt. Gen. Paul Lokech, Maj. Gen. Sabiiti Muzeeyi, and Maj. Gen. Jack Bakasumba.

In their added argument, the MPs state that the term limit for the IGP and the DIGP should be contracted to a four-term in the office. The Legislator from Pakwach District, Hon. Jane Pacuto, argues that the service of the IGP and the Deputy should be reduced to a given period of time and when that time elapses, they should handover the office tools. ” Even the best dancer must leave the stage. We must put a term.” says MP, Jane Pacuto.
Riding on the other amendments, the Parliamt also suggests that even Section 55 (b) of the Police Act, 2006, should be lifted to give liberties to the Police Officers who are dissatisfied with the decisions of the police to have a right to appeal and secure justice from the High Court. In doing this, the Legislators believe fued will be settled among the Police Officers.

The consultations about amendments of Uganda Police Act, 2006 are ongoing and the Legislators seek to advocate for it to the end.



Finally: Ethiopian Government accepts Peace Talks with Tigrayan Rebels



Young Tigrayan soldier standing with a gun at his back. .

In a bid to end the Frontline battles and famine strikes in Tigrayan Region, Ethiopian Government has finally accepted African Union (AU) to intervene and organize the peace talks.

The Ethiopian Prime Minister’s National Security Advisor Redwan Hussein commented on his Twitter handle that his Government “accepted this invitation which is in line with our Principle position regarding the peaceful resolution of the conflict and the need to have talks without preconditions.”

The peace talks of this time have been set on grounds of no obstacles and all sides (Ethiopian Government and the Tigrayan Rebels) anticipate to end the 2 year spelt conflict.

In another response, the Ethiopian Government Communication Service, posted a statement indicating that AU is mandated to set a venue and date to lay grounds for peace talks.

However, in a quick reply to the claims , the AU spokesperson Ebba Kalondo clarified down that, “We will communicate details as and when appropriate.”

The Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF) has not yet come out to electrify on these developments. But four months back, the TPLF came out and showed interests in commencing peace talks with their Ethiopian Government counter parts.

An insider diplomatic source tipped in that AU peace talks will be mediated by Kenya’s Former President Uhuru Kenyatta with the Horn of African Envoy Olusegun Obasanjo.

In this conflict, Tigray people have suffered a severe toll of shortages in food supplies, fuel, and medications that have left the region suffer malnutrition cases, in addition to the frontline deaths.

Tigrayan Region in the North of Ethiopia has lost over 500,000 people caused by the war and famine in the last 16 months.

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BOBI WINE:Hon.Nsereko you will be the first victim of that stupid law



NUP Principle Hon. Kyagulanyi Robert Ssentamu during the Press Address at the NUP Headquarters.

In reaction to the Computer misuse law, The NUP Principle, Hon. Kyagulanyi Robert Ssentamu aka Bobi Wine has warned Hon. Mohammad Nsereko to be careful because the law might bounce back on him.
This law was mooted into the parliament by the Kampala Central MP, Hon. Mohammad Nsereko on September 8th, 2022.

During the Media Conference on his return from Ukraine, Hon. Kyagulanyi stated that once Computer Misuse Act is passed and signed by the president, Hon. Mohammad will not be spared just like it will affect any ordinary Ugandan.

‘’ I’m telling you Hon. Nsereko , you will be the first victim of that stupid law ( Computer Misuse Act) you are bring to silence Ugandans,’’ said Bobi Wine.

At the time the law was tabled at the parliament, a number of MPs like Hon. Gorretta Namugga the Mawogola County Woman MP, attempted to fight the law but were over powered by the majority supporters of the law. Thess MPs warned that if this law is passed, one day it will make every Ugandan fall victim including those who campaign to pass it.

‘’If passed into law, it will stifle the acquisition of information; the penalties proposed in the bill are overly harsh and disproportionate when compared to similar offences in other legislations; the bill passed will be a bad law and liable to constitutional petitions upon assent,’’ said Ms Gorretta Namugga during the parliamentary debate on 8th September.

The Computer misuse Bill passed by the Parliament imposes tough penalties for cyber-crimes.
The amendment of the Bill, 2022 is sought to enhance the provisions on unauthorized access to information data; prohibits sharing of any of any information relating to a child without authorization of a parent or guardian; to prohibit the sending or sharing of the information that promotes hate speech among many other provisions.

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African Presidents Transported into a bus to Queen’s Burial



A photo showing African Presidents in a Bus to Queen’s Burial Ceremony.

In a bid to pay a farewell to Queen Elizabeth II’s body, many African Presidents have been captured being transported into a bus to the Funeral Ceremony, on September 19th, 2022.

In the photo taken by one of the African Presidents, Dr. William Ruto President of Kenya and Mama Samia Suluhu Hassan, the President of Tanzania among other presidents, appeared with their facial expressions.

This abrupt insight has interested many African critical, readers, writers and bloggers to react. Many have posted on social media platforms saying that this sign brings a lot of questions while others say it’s could be the culture and tradition of the Ceremonial respect of the befallen Queen.

After the death of the Queen, many African Critics have shared very many reactions in support of the peaceful death of the queen while other critics have alluded the incident to colonial faults in Africa during the colonial times.

In the view of Uganda’s attendance of the burial ceremony, President Museveni sent a representative, Jeje Odong, the Minister for Foreign Affairs, to represent him during the farewell bid to Queen Elizabeth II’s body.

The Queen is set to be laid to rest on September 19th , 2022. At her death, the Queen has been named the longest serving Monarch in the world history.

Before, the burial of his mother, Charles III is made the King of United Kingdom. He was acceded to the throne on September 8th, 2022. He has been recorded in the British history as the longest serving heir at the age of 73.

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